What is Addiction Treatment?

Substance addiction is a chronic disorder involving the compulsive use of drugs and/or alcohol. Those who are addicted to substances, continue to drink or use drugs despite the negative consequences to their health, family, relationships, job, and finances. Substance use disorders are complex with physical, mental, and behavioral aspects. However, addiction is treatable with comprehensive substance abuse treatment programs.

An addiction treatment program involves a series of interventions designed to help a person stop using drugs or drinking while also improving all areas of their lives addiction has affected, such as family relationships, work life, and the ability to live independently. Substance use disorders exist on a spectrum ranging from mild to severe. There are several types of addiction treatment available to help anyone along the spectrum of disorder and provide the adequate amount of help for successful recovery. Other factors that will influence the type of addiction treatment needed include mental and medical health needs, specific type of substance(s) being used, and other social issues.

Individuals enter drug and alcohol rehab for several reasons, including not being able to control their substance or for legal reasons. Addiction treatment will help guide individuals through withdrawals so they can get over their physical dependence. Drug and alcohol rehab programs will continue with evidence-based addiction treatments to address compulsive behaviors, environmental and psychological triggers, and underlying causes of addiction so individuals can achieve long-term sobriety. Programs will also heal areas of the person’s life that have been affected by substance abuse such as their career, relationships, and overall health.

Comprehensive treatment programs will involve a combination of therapeutic components tailored to each person’s individual case and needs, including:

  • Medical detox
  • Behavioral therapies
  • Group therapy
  • Family therapy
  • Support groups
  • Medication assisted treatment
  • Social services, such as housing, legal, and financial services

Is Treatment Covered for Union Members?

Most union health insurance plans cover mental health services, which includes substance abuse treatment. How much of a treatment program is covered depends on your individual health insurance plan and it may cover some or all your rehab costs. Typically, plans with lower monthly premiums will only cover 60 to 70% of rehab costs, while higher monthly premiums will cover much more. Your insurance providers will also require you to meet an annual deductible before benefits can be applied to cost of treatment. To determine your health insurance benefits, you can talk to your union representative who can help you navigate your insurance plan. You may also have access to an employee assistance program (EAP) like Union First as part of your union membership. EAPs can verify your insurance to help determine what is covered and connect you with trusted drug and alcohol rehabs in your area that take your insurance. You can also call your insurance company and ask them to go over coverage with you as well as refer you to treatment centers. Also, your union insurance is widely accepted, and usually union insurance plans have more coverage than non-unionized insurance plans.

10 Ways to Make a Case for Addiction Treatment

It is challenging to overcome substance use disorders on your own. Treatment programs with multiple levels of care provide the best chance at long-term recovery. Quite a small percentage of individuals with substance abuse get the treatment they need. Often, people make excuses to not go to rehab or are in denial about their substance abuse disorders. If you or a loved one is struggling with substance abuse, here are some reasons to stop avoiding addiction treatment and get help today:

  1. Rehab is voluntary. Drug and alcohol addiction is on your terms and you can always leave when you want. Once you make the choice to enter, you aren’t stuck in there. If you feel it isn’t for you, you can check out. However, jail is not. Continued substance abuse is likely to lead to legal issues which can mean mandatory rehab or jail time, on top of community services and fines.
  2. Addiction treatment programs are flexible. Recovery from severe addiction usually requires residential inpatient treatment; however, other treatment programs are available that are not as intensive. Outpatient treatment allows you to continue living at home and you may even be able to continue going to work or school full time.
  3. Rehab will save your life. Maybe your substance use disorder doesn’t seem so severe right now; however, addiction is a progressive disease that will get worse and lead to mental and physical health issues. You also run the risk of putting yourself in dangerous situations with continued substance abuse such as driving under the influence or a fatal overdose.
  4. Quitting drugs on your own can be dangerous. If you have been using drugs or alcohol and experience withdrawal symptoms when not using, you should consider a medical detox program. Withdrawals from some substances can be dangerous or life threatening without medical supervision. You also run the risk of organ damage or failure from extreme dehydration or accidentally choking on your vomit.
  5. Addiction treatment will help you live sober and be comfortable with it. Treatment for substance abuse is not just about getting sober, it’s about learning to live sober through healthy coping skills and tools. You will learn how to live without drugs and alcohol.
  6. Rehab will give you back your life. Living life intoxicated isn’t living and has probably cost you many things, such as your job, relationships, and even your health. Rehab will not only teach you how to live sober, it will also include services for getting your life back such as vocational training, job opportunities, and legal help. Through therapy and coping skills training, you can live a happier life and feel less negative emotions.
  7. Rehab can save your relationships. Although rehab should be for personal growth, rehab programs can help you rebuild burned bridges and relationships affected from addiction through learning how to make amends and through family or couple’s therapy.
  8. You will save money. Although the price of rehab may seem quite high, in the long run it will end up saving you money. Addiction is an expensive habit to maintain, which will only get more expensive as you build tolerance and need more drugs or alcohol. It can also lead to expensive medical and legal bills.
  9. Rehab can help you build new, meaningful relationships. One of the best results of addiction treatment are the relationship and support networks you will form.
  10. You cannot be fired for going to addiction treatment. Individuals often avoid getting addiction treatment out of fear of losing their job if their employer finds out they are in treatment or for taking time off to get treatment. However, labor laws exist that protect your employment, salary, and benefits from discrimination due to seeking help for a substance use disorder.

Get Help from Union First

Union First is an employee assistance program for union workers and their families to find addiction treatment in their area. Through our initial evaluation of your case, we can determine what type of addiction treatment and facility best suits your needs and connect you with rehab centers near you that meet that criteria. Our members can get into the right rehab program more quickly which increases their chances of more successful recovery.

Our representatives are available 24/7 to take your call, answer your questions, and get you on the road to recovery as soon as possible. Please give us a call today and get control back of your life.