Addiction Treatment Placement Florida: Getting Help for Addiction

Addiction treatment placement Florida offers guidance and referral services for union members seeking personalized substance abuse recovery programs. Getting help through treatment placement services can have several benefits, including finding the treatment program so you can get better quickly and find long-term sobriety. Through an initial evaluation, treatment placement services can assess your clinical history, the problems you are currently presenting, and what you would like in a treatment facility to match you with appropriate recovery centers in Florida. These services guide you through the entire process, including the admissions process which can be confusing.

Union members who use addiction treatment placement services have better recovery outcomes as they are more likely to enter a treatment program that works for them and can get the help they need more quickly. Finding the right treatment center also increases the chances of individuals completing the program, thus reducing the risk of relapse. Addiction treatment placement services do not end the day you complete your program either. Members can access aftercare programs and resources to help them maintain their sobriety.

Addiction Treatment Placement Florida: How Does it Work for Union Members?

Union members may be able to access addiction treatment placement services through their employer or union. Unions often pay for employee assistance services, including addiction and mental health treatment placement. Employee assistance services are free of charge to members and completely confidential, which makes it easier for members to reach out for help.

Knowledgeable, caring staff are available around the clock to assess your problem and quickly get you the help you need. They will conduct an initial evaluation to determine your needs and match you with the right programs in your area and throughout Florida. Union members can get personalized referrals to drug and alcohol detox centers, residential inpatient treatment, partial hospitalization programs, intensive outpatient programs, aftercare programs, online outpatient programs, and emergency telehealth services.

Florida Addiction Treatment Placement

Addiction Treatment Placement Florida: 5 Examples of Services Available

  1. Initial Evaluation. Treatment placement services in Florida will evaluate your addiction history and personal preferences to get a good sense of who you are and what you need. This information is gathered so treatment placement specialists can match you with the right treatment program and service provider.
  2. Case Management. Addiction treatment placement aims to provide personalized support throughout the entire process. They may designate a “point person” for your case who can assess, plan, coordinate, implement, and monitor your addiction treatment placement services as needed.
  3. Personalized Referrals. After your initial evaluation, team members will discuss your treatment program options and advise you on what course of treatment may be best for you. Once you have decided what addiction treatment services, programs, and environment is important to you, they will create personalized referrals for treatment centers that are best suited for you. They may also verify your insurance to determine your plan’s coverage of mental health and substance abuse treatment and match treatment centers in Florida that take union insurance plans.
  4. Job Protection Services. Part of addiction treatment placement services for Florida residents may be job protection services. Once you have been placed in treatment, they can submit a “placement in treatment” to your employer to ensure your job is protected while you seek addiction treatment. Their experts will also guide you on how you can further protect your job, salary, and benefits.
  5. Telehealth Services. Addiction treatment placement Florida services may also provide you with telehealth services so you can quickly talk to a counselor confidently. Often, telehealth service appointments are available within 24 to 48 hours of calling which lowers the wait time of seeing a counselor compared to in person.

Does Insurance Help Pay for Addiction Treatment Placement in Florida?

Generally, union health insurance plans cover the cost of treatment for substance abuse and mental health disorders. They also tend to have wider coverage than non-unionized health insurance plans. Addiction treatment placement in Florida services will verify your insurance to determine your coverage, copays, and any other information related to substance abuse and mental health treatment. They can match you with reputable addiction treatment facilities in Florida covered by your insurance and help you understand your plan.

7 Benefits of Seeking Addiction Treatment Placement

  1. Removes hours of searching for the treatment center on your own. Navigating the drug and alcohol addiction treatment industry can be exhausting and confusing. With the hundreds of treatment facilities in Florida, it can be overwhelming to go through online searches and call each treatment facility to determine which program is best for you. Addiction treatment placement Florida services eliminates all that and provides you with a list of referrals.
  2. It provides you with a team of experts who are on your side. The road to recovery can be lonely and scary, however using treatment placement will provide you with a team of compassionate individuals who will help you throughout the entire process, which allows you to know you are not alone.
  3. Gain better knowledge about treatment programs so you can make the right decision. Addiction treatment placement Florida services will provide you with expert guidance so you can trust you are making the right choice for your health and future.
  4. You will be admitted into the right treatment program the first time. When drug addiction treatment does not work, it is usually because the person ended up in the wrong treatment program. Expertly curated personalized referrals ensure you enter a program that is right for you.
  5. Eliminates the risk of ending up in a scam addiction treatment center. There are many treatment centers whose main goal is taking advantage of your money and often leave clients worse off than before. Addiction treatment placement in Florida will ensure you are referred to trusted, effective treatment facilities.
  6. Improves recovery outcomes. Getting into the right treatment program quickly greatly improves recovery outcomes. Addiction placement services also provide resources and help after completing your treatment program so you can continue receiving the right aftercare treatment.
  7. Access to specialized treatment programs in Florida. Addiction treatment placement services can find you specialized treatment facilities in Florida you may not even know about, such as women’s only addiction treatment, pet-friendly treatment centers, or LGBTQ+ addiction services.

Union First is Ready to Help Florida Union Members Find Addiction Treatment Placement

Union members in Florida can get addiction treatment placement through Union First. We are an employee assistance service for union members, public service employees and their family members who are struggling with substance abuse or mental health issues. Our team members are available 24/7 and all calls are strictly confidential. Union members and their families can get matched with addiction treatment centers in their area and admitted quickly so they can get back to work as their best self sooner. We also include job protection services for members to ensure their employment is protected throughout the recovery process and provide greater peace of mind so you can focus on yourself and your recovery fully.

If you or your family member are struggling with drug or alcohol abuse, please call us today so we can assess your cases and get you the help you need quickly. Our helpline is available 24 hours a day at (855) 215-2023.