Addiction Treatment Placement Pennsylvania: When It’s Time to Get Help With Substance Abuse

Over 21 million Americans suffer from addiction; just 11% of those patients receive the needed treatment. An estimated 293,000 people had an active substance use disorder just in Pennsylvania. Getting a hold of addiction or substance abuse on your own can be quite challenging, so you can find the treatment you need. However, addiction treatment placement Pennsylvania residents can find for substance abuse help is possible.

  • Many struggle to find the fine line between needing help with substance abuse and being able to cut back on their own. Some signs that indicate you may need help gaining control of substance abuse are:
  • Drug or alcohol use has become your priority. When drug or alcohol use has become your main focus, it is a clear sign addiction is impacting your life. Other interests, activities, and relationships have taken a backseat.
  • New or worsening health issues. Substance abuse leads to numerous mental and physical issues. Experiencing negative thoughts, feelings, or behaviors can indicate a growing problem with substance abuse.
  • Developing tolerance. The body develops tolerance when substance abuse becomes more consistent, requiring larger doses for the same effects. This is a sign you are heading towards developing dependence.
  • Experiencing cravings. Cravings for drugs or alcohol indicate you are becoming more dependent on them. They can cloud your mind and make it difficult to take care of responsibilities.
  • Inability to cut back or quit using drugs or alcohol. Ups and down can mark addiction. You may be able to cut back or stop using for a period of time, but you tend to relapse. Addiction treatment programs provide the structure and therapy needed to stop using drugs or alcohol successfully.
  • Experiencing withdrawal.  A clear sign you have developed dependence is experiencing withdrawal symptoms when not using. You may feel you need substance abuse in order to “feel normal”.
  • Experiencing financial issues. Addiction and substance abuse is an expensive disorders. Individuals struggling with substance abuse may find they prioritize spending money on their addiction rather than paying bills.
  • Relationships are strained.  Relationships often suffer because of addiction. You may find you are spending less time with loved ones, not following through with responsibilities with them, or having arguments over your substance use.
  • Performance at work or school is deteriorating. Substance abuse makes it difficult to manage your responsibilities at school or work. You may find you’re calling out sick, being chronically late, or unable to make deadlines.
  • No longer taking care of your responsibilities. Substance abuse will take over all areas of your life and you are no longer be taking care of your responsibilities which can be as simple as hygiene or as severe as neglecting childcare.

Pennsylvania Addiction Treatment Placement for Union Members: How Does it Work?

Union members who are experiencing loss of control over their substance use can get help with addiction treatment placement Pennsylvania services through Union First. Addiction treatment placement is a service included with your Union First membership and will provide you with personalized referrals for addiction and mental health treatment. An initial assessment of your medical history, current problem, and personal preferences for treatment providers will provide our team with a set of criteria to match you with treatment facilities in your area. They can determine what level of treatment you may need and walk you through your options for addiction treatment. Along with your case manager, you will decide which treatment facility is best suited for you and they will begin the admissions process with you. Once you are placed in treatment, Union First case managers can also begin the process of job protection to ensure your employment, salary, and benefits stay the same while you are in the recovery treatment.

Addiction Treatment Placement Pennsylvania: How to Request

Union members may have access to Union First through their union. We are an employee assistance service that focuses on helping union members and their families get substance abuse or mental health treatment when needed. Union members can call our 24/7 helpline at (855) 215-2023 to talk to our addiction treatment placement Pennsylvania specialists. They will ask how they can help you, at which point you voice your problem. Our specialists will walk you through a series of questions to determine solutions and find treatment programs that fit your needs.

What Services Are Covered for Pennsylvania Union Members Seeking Addiction Treatment Placement?

Union members can receive several types of services when seeking addiction treatment placement in Pennsylvania, including:

  • Case Management – a “point person” will be designated to your case who can assess, plan, coordinate, implement and monitor addiction treatment services.
  • Pre-Treatment Assessment – our specialist at Union First will conduct an initial evaluation to determine your addiction treatment and personal needs.
  • Addiction Treatment Education and Guidance – our team will walk you through their assessment of your case and various types of treatment options in your area. They can provide you with their recommendations for your best chance at long-term recovery.
  • Personalized Referrals – once you have determined what kind of treatment fits your best, they will generate a list of personalized treatment facility referrals and take you through each of them.
  • Admissions Assistance – upon picking the treatment facility of your choice, our team can help you through the admissions process and paperwork to get you into treatment more quickly.
  • Continued Care Planning and Assistance – our services are available throughout the entire recovery process and we can help you find more resources or treatment providers as needed, including aftercare services.

What Else Can Employee Assistance Services Offer Union Members in Pennsylvania?

Employee assistance services for union members in Pennsylvania go beyond addiction treatment placement. Union First will also include job protection services for Pennsylvania residents‘ when you reach out to us. Our experts know how to use federal and state laws like the Americans with Disabilities Act to protect your job, benefits, salary, position, and more when seeking addiction treatment or taking time off. Job protection services can provide you peace of mind, allow you to fully focus on your recovery program, and take the necessary time off to come back to work as your best self.

We also offer telehealth services for Pennsylvania union members which will connect you to online mental health and addiction counselors within 24 to 48 hours of calling us. Telehealth services are essential in times of crisis when you need immediate help and stop the progression of symptoms as in-person counselor appointments may not be available for weeks.

Best Addiction Treatment Placement in Pennsylvania: Call Union First to Get Help

Union First is available around the clock to help you quickly get the addiction treatment you need. Addiction treatment placement in Pennsylvania will quickly match you with the best treatment centers and providers. Treatment placement services eliminate hours of searching for the right recovery program, making various calls, risking ending up in the wrong program, and attempting to figure out admissions paperwork independently. Union members can get into the right addiction treatment program sooner and improve their recovery outcomes with Union First.

If you or your family member are struggling with substance abuse or addiction, please call us at (855) 215-2023 today to speak to one of our representatives and regain control of your life.