When is it Time for Alcohol Rehab?

Alcohol use disorder usually does not look like the stereotypical image of someone who can’t hold their life together. Alcohol addiction is usually a slow process that can sneak up on anyone. Because alcoholism doesn’t happen all at once, it can be hard to know when you’ve reached the point where you should seek help.  Early addiction treatment can make a big difference in substance abuse recovery and knowing when to seek treatment can help you get alcoholism treatment at a treatment center in time.

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8 Signs You Need Help with Alcohol

  1. Experiencing withdrawal symptoms when not drinking. Having alcohol withdrawal is a sign you may be physically dependent. Symptoms include shaky hands, headache, insomnia, sweating, and nausea.
  2. Having cravings for alcohol. Your brain has developed an association with alcohol and its reward chemicals, like dopamine, so now you are craving drinking.
  3. Developing health problems due to drinking. Liver damage, anemia, anxiety, depression, insomnia, and low immune system, are all health issues associated with alcohol abuse.
  4. Work or school performance has suffered because of your drinking. When you have trouble controlling your drinking, it affects your performance and increases calling out.
  5. Hiding or lying about your alcohol consumption. This can include drinking in private and lying about how much you’re drinking.
  6. Regularly blacking out from drinking. Having frequent memory lapses from alcohol use is a sign of alcohol abuse.
  7. Developing an increased tolerance to alcohol. You need more alcohol than before to get the same effect.
  8. Having repeated failed attempts to stop drinking. Alcohol use disorder is a disease that requires treatment to overcome. Being unable to stop drinking on your own is not a failure, it is just an indicator you need an addiction treatment program.

What is Alcohol Rehab Like?

Alcohol rehab at a recovery center can be tailored to your alcohol addiction needs and circumstances. A recovery center can offer several levels of care including inpatient rehab, outpatient treatment, intensive outpatient treatment, and partial hospitalization treatment. Some substance abuse treatment programs allow you to continue going to work or school. Every level of care includes similar addiction treatments such as dual diagnosis treatment for co-occurring disorders, family therapy, relapse prevention, sober living facilities, alcohol counseling, trauma therapy, individual therapy, and group therapy.

What is Alcohol Detox like?

Alcohol withdrawal can be quite severe and may require medically assisted detox from a treatment center. Union First can help you get medically assisted detox to manage withdrawal symptoms comfortably and safely. Detoxing in a medical detox center can increase your chances of completing alcohol detox and continuing to alcohol addiction treatment.

How Long is Alcohol Rehab?

The length of alcohol use disorder treatment varies from person to person. Depending on the length and severity of your alcohol addiction, as well as the presence of co-occurring disorders or other addictions, will determine the length of substance abuse treatment. For many, a good length of addiction treatment is about three months but that can be a combination of inpatient rehab, outpatient treatment, and aftercare program.

How Union First Can Help You Find Addiction Recovery

If you are trying to quit drinking and notice signs you need help with alcohol, Union First can help you find the right alcohol use disorder treatment program for you. We can look at your case and connect you with several reputable and certified addiction treatment centers and alcohol detox facilities. We also help protect your job while you take part in substance abuse treatment programs. If you have questions about rehab for you or a loved one, please give us a call today. We are here to help you get the addiction recovery help you need.

Click here for job protection & behavioral health, call Union First today at (855) 215-2023.

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