Alcohol addiction treatment in New York City can be costly, however, continuing with alcohol abuse can cost you much more. Not only is it expensive to consume alcohol regularly, but addiction to alcohol can also have several hidden costs, including your health, your job, legal and medical bills, and relationships. Suppose you have been struggling with the idea of getting professional help because of the cost of addiction treatment. In that case, there are ways to minimize your out-of-pocket costs, including using your union insurance. 

Do Alcohol Rehabs Accept Union Insurance?

One of the advantages of belonging to a union is the healthcare benefits. Usually, union insurance plans cover more healthcare costs than non-unionized health insurance plans. This includes behavioral health and substance abuse treatment. There are many New York City alcohol rehabs that accept union insurance and most if not all of your addiction treatment may be covered by your plan.

There are several ways to determine your insurance plan benefits. Union benefits also include access to employee assistance programs (EAPs) that will find you mental health and alcohol addiction rehab programs that are covered by your insurance and will walk you through your benefits. You can call your health insurance company directly about what your plan covers and refer you to alcohol rehabs in New York City that are in-network.

Click here for job protection & behavioral health, call Union First today at (855) 215-2023.

How Much Does Alcohol Rehab Cost in New York City?

There are several types of alcohol rehab programs in New York City and prices can range from $0 to $25,000. State-run rehabs are usually free of charge, but they do have personalized treatment programs and there is usually a long wait to get into one. Private rehab facilities will range in price and so will the program depending on several factors including the length of the program, type of program (inpatient vs outpatient), location, amenities offered, and medications. Rehab costs depending on the program can range between:

  • $250 to $800 a day for medical detox
  • $1,400 to $10,000 for 3 months of outpatient care
  • $3,000 to $10,000 for 30-day intensive outpatient program
  • $5,000 to $80,000 for residential treatment

How to Get Alcohol Treatment Without Losing Your Job

Many struggling with alcohol use disorder continue to hold employment. For those individuals, the fear of losing their job because of seeking alcohol rehab treatment may be another barrier to getting help. Union First helps members keep their jobs while they get alcohol addiction treatment. Our experts know federal and state laws that protect your employment, benefits, and salary while you get addiction treatment and will help you take the proper steps to ensure your job is waiting for you.

State laws such as the Family and Medical Leave Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act, allow you to take time off for alcohol rehab without repercussions. They also protect you from being discriminated against because of your substance use disorder, meaning you cannot be fired because you tell your employer you have an addiction. Our team will walk you through the necessary steps and will file a “placement in the letter” with your employer as part of our job protection services.

Click here for job protection & behavioral health, call Union First today at (855) 215-2023.

Find an Alcohol Rehab in New York City with Union First

Union First helps union workers, public employees, and their families find the right alcohol rehab in New York City for Union Members that takes you to union insurance. Our placement services will assess your case and recommend alcohol rehab centers in your area based on your individual needs. Most union members and their families are unaware of their employment rights under federal and state law, however, our team knows how to use these laws to fight for your job. We will guide you through the entire process and answer any questions.

If you or your family member is struggling with alcohol addiction, please call us any time day or night. We can verify your insurance and help you make the best decision for your alcohol rehab needs.