What is an EAP?


EAP stands for employee assistance program and can connect employees to services that can address various health and personal problems, such as mental health issues, substance abuse issues, conflicts or abuse in the workplace, legal concerns, marital and family problems, grief and loss, domestic violence, and financial struggles. Employee assistance programs can help find you substance abuse and behavioral health treatment at rehab centers or also short-term counseling. EAP provides the following services:

  • Assessment
  • Education
  • Short-term counseling or virtual telehealth
  • Drug and alcohol treatment placement

EAP providers will perform an assessment to determine what kind of treatment program you need and treatment facilities that meet those needs. Employee assistance programs aim to help workers easily get help for mental health disorders such as anxiety, depression and substance abuse to alleviate those issues before they hinder performance at work.

Click here for job protection & behavioral health, call Union First today at (855) 215-2023.

How EAPs Work in Philadelphia


Many workers may fear talking to their employer about the issues that are affecting their work. An external employee assistance representative can be easier to talk to about these issues because they provide confidential service. You can think of them as a sort of extension of human resource programs. Assistance programs will conduct a thorough evaluation when you call them so they can determine your addiction goals and treatment needs. From there, they will guide you on how to resolve your substance use disorders and mental health issues such as offering a few sessions of counseling and consultation with a mental health provider. They can also refer you to reputable drug and alcohol treatment programs or rehabs near Philadelphia PA. EAP programs are free to use and can offer more services to help you through your recovery journey, such as referrals to aftercare programs, job protection services, and onsite education.

7 Questions to Ask an EAP Provider Before Attending Addiction Treatment


Employee assistance programs will connect you with drug and alcohol rehabs in your area, but here are some important questions to ask about the facilities they recommend:

  1. What type of substance use disorders program should I get? Knowing which level of care to start at can help you make the right treatment facility decision and provide peace of mind you are in the right place.
  2. How long will I need to stay? Drug and alcohol rehab programs can vary in length, but you should know how long you should stay in treatment.
  3. Does the substance use disorder treatment facility offer medical detox? You may need detox services before entering drug rehab.
  4. Are personalized treatment plans available? Individualized treatment plans have better recovery outcomes
  5. Will the drug and alcohol treatment center take my health insurance? Health insurance providers will cover behavioral health services, however it is important to find a place that is covered.
  6. Is the treatment facility licensed and accredited and do they have any external certifications? Good treatment centers will be fully accredited and the best ones will have certifications such as from The Joint Commission.
  7. Will I lose my job if I go to rehab? Most employees and their families are unaware of their rights to receive behavioral health and wellness services without losing their job. However federal laws like ADA and FMLA provide job protection.

Behavioral Health and Job Protection at Union First


Union First is an employee assistance program for union employees and their families in the Philadelphia PA area. Some of our employee benefit services include substance abuse and mental health treatment placement covered by your health insurance. At Union First, our experts will advocate for your job while you receive behavioral health treatment so you can rest easy and focus on your addiction treatment program. We also provide counseling services through our network of health care providers to quickly get you an appointment for mental health services through online telehealth services.

If you would like to learn more about Union First EAP program membership, please contact us today.

Click here for job protection & behavioral health, call Union First today at (855) 215-2023.