What are Addiction Treatment Training Modules?
Education for addiction and mental health disorders are key for helping prevent disorders from developing or getting the right treatment as soon as possible when signs and symptoms appear. Many people avoid getting behavioral health treatment out of not knowing what they are experiencing, shame about needing help, or fear of missing time off work to get adequate treatment and rest.
Addiction treatment training modules are educational tools for union members. They are meant to bring awareness and reduce stigmas surrounding addiction and mental health disorders. The main goal is to educate on what are the mental health and behavioral health signs and symptoms to look for, how to get help, and reduce shame around behavioral health treatments so people get the help they need as soon as possible. Modules are also meant to be preventative care so individuals can take better care of themselves and reduce the need of intensive behavioral healthcare. They can also provide awareness about employment rights under state and federal laws which can help reduce fears about missing work and guilt about needing behavioral health treatment.
Training modules for addiction and mental health will provide union leaders and their members with the tools needed for crisis intervention, how to handle stress, and provide a robust employee assistance service. There are several types of education modules available meant to be informative and eye-opening. It can help open up more conversations surrounding addiction and mental health. A team of educators will conduct these training sessions through slideshow presentations, resource materials, and a Q&A.
Employee assistance programs that provide training modules for substance use treatment are also meant to help educate union members about services available to them and how to use them. Membership fees pay for many perks and it is important to take full advantage of them.

Why Behavioral Health Training Modules are Important
Behavioral health educational modules can help bring a lot of awareness about mental illness and substance use disorders, as well as worker rights, how to get behavioral health treatment, and how to proceed with taking time off while protecting your job. Some benefits of addiction and behavioral health behavioral healthcare training includes:
Raise education and awareness about substance use disorders and mental illness. Health training classes want to help educate individuals on the prevalence of mental illness and substance use disorders, including the opioid epidemic. Mental health disorders and substance abuse are much more prevalent than people realize and it can happen to anyone.
Reduce stigma surrounding mental health and behavioral health treatment. By opening up a conversation about how important mental health is, how addiction and cooccurring disorders require medical intervention, and how many people struggle with these issues, can make it easier for people to get the help they need.
Educate about behavioral health signs and symptoms. Knowing signs and symptoms of mental illness or substance use disorders in yourself or loved ones, can save a life. When you know what to look for, you can get help and know where to get help.
Harm reduction by teaching healthy coping skills for mental health. Prevention is another important aspect of employee assistance programs. Part of education from behavioral healthcare training are also teaching better ways to handle anxiety, stress, depression and other mental illness symptoms instead of turning to substance abuse which can lead to addiction.
Can reduce the need for substance use treatment. By learning better ways to take care of yourself or loved ones physically and mentally, as well as stress reduction practices, can reduce likelihood of turning to drugs or alcohol to cope with negative emotions. Training modules can also teach what is substance abuse so individuals are aware about their usage and be able to manage it early on without professional intervention.
Improve treatment and recovery outcomes by getting help faster. By knowing signs and symptoms of behavioral health issues, individuals can ask for help sooner rather than when the issues get out of control, which improves addiction treatment and recovery outcomes.
Reduces time off work. When you get help more quickly, behavioral healthcare treatment programs are shorter or less intensive, which can reduce the time needed off work.
Improve overall physical and mental health. When members are aware of how they can improve their physical and mental health, they will feel better overall. Mental health training classes can be great motivation tools as well for taking the necessary steps to take care of yourself.
Improve quality of life. Reducing stigma about mental health, taking better care of your mind and body, and knowing you should take time off for these issues, can improve overall quality of life and happiness, which will improve your day to day work life as well.
The Main Types of Behavioral Health Training Methods
The way training modules are taught are through employee assistance program team members conducting on-site health training sessions. They are mostly meant to be educational and will include:
- Slideshow presentation
- Resource materials to take home and have on hand
- Q&A section for members to get clarification or ask personal questions
Behavioral healthcare modules can be about several topics, including:
Education about signs and symptoms of addiction and mental health disorders. One of the main topics discussed are signs and symptoms to look out for in order realize they need help from behavioral health providers as soon as possible.
Raise awareness of prevalence of addiction and mental health disorders. Knowing how common these issues are, can help members be on the lookout for signs and symptoms and also not feel so alone or shameful when symptoms are present.
How to get behavioral health treatment. Harm reduction modules will educate on where to get help or how to contact employee assistance programs for when they are struggling.
Educate on addiction and behavioral health treatment to know what to look for in behavioral health providers. On-site teams will also go over what types of treatment and addiction therapies are available so members know what to expect from addiction treatment centers, as well as having some knowledge about what type of addiction treatment they may need.
How to maintain physical health and mental health. Prevention is key when it comes to many illnesses, including mental health and substance use disorders. Having knowledge on how to better take care of your mind and body can reduce mental illness symptoms, so harm reduction modules will include these tips in their presentations as well as valuable resources.
Healthy coping skills. Healthy coping skills are another part of prevention and education modules can teach about ways to handle stress better or healthy outlets, as well as role plays so members can practice coping skills.
Educate on labor laws and health rights. Many workers are not aware of their employment rights protected under federal and state laws. Educational models want employees to know their jobs are protected so they do not hesitate taking care of their physical and mental health as needed.
Education on prescription drug addiction. Many substance use disorders started from prescription medications given by a doctor. Most people are not aware of the high potential for abuse from many prescription drugs and healthcare training modules may include this information as a way to help members reduce abuse or know when they are developing physical dependence so they can control it sooner than later.
Information about Union First employment assistance program services. Employee assistance programs want their members to have total knowledge of what services are available to them and to take full advantage of them. We are passionate about what we do at Union First and always ready to help in any way we can.
How Our Behavioral Health Training Modules Can Help You Recover from Addiction
Union First is an employee assistance program for union members and their families to get mental health and addiction treatment help. We believe education is key for members to take care of themselves and their families while also knowing there is a team of experts who care and have their back in their time of need. Our behavioral health modules are designed to help our union members get addiction treatment recovery help as soon as possible in order to increase treatment and recovery outcomes. They are meant to provide union leaders and members with crisis intervention tools, education and resources to better their overall well-being, and provide information about our robust employee assistance services. Our team will come on-site to conduct these training sessions which can include a slideshow presentation, resource materials, and Q&A sections so we can help clarify any information.
Union first employee assistance program includes several services. Although we hope through our harm reduction modules you will not need us or only require minimal treatment, our other services are in place to help get you the addiction treatment you need and fast, while protecting your job. A case manger is assigned to you so you get the best help possible and have someone on your side who knows your situation completely. We will help place you in treatment through referral to treatment in our network of trusted and effective substance use disorders treatment centers or get you a telehealth appointment within 24 to 48 hours through our private network of health clinicians. Meanwhile, our experts will protect your job under federal and state laws while you get substance use treatment so you can truly focus on your recovery.
If you or your family member is struggling with addiction, want more information about behavioral health treatment, or want to know more about our services, please give us a call any time, day or night.