It’s OK to Not Feel Ready

Substance use disorder (SUD), more commonly known as addiction, is a DSM-V-recognized mental health disorder because as with other serious mental health disorders, it affects the way your brain functions. As a result, it affects your thinking and behavior. One of the common signs of drug or alcohol addiction is continuing with the substance abuse even though you may notice mental health issues and physical problems oftentimes because a person thinks that they need drugs or alcohol just to cope. Keep reading for more information on addiction treatment for union members.

This situation can make a person feel like even though they see the need for professional help, they just aren’t ready to deal with it. Substance use disorder can be treated and beaten which in turn opens up a whole new world of possibilities and happiness. While your brain may be telling you that you must have drugs or alcohol in order to cope with life, the truth is that it is only because of a dependence that has formed that you feel the need to use drugs and alcohol, and through addiction treatment, the true causes of your addiction can be overcome and you can heal, freeing you from the grip that addiction has on you. 

It’s normal to feel that you are not ready to undergo professional treatment, not wanting to risk your job or upset things in your life but through behavioral therapy and holistic treatments for addiction, you can take control of your life and happiness. Union First helps its union members to find the best rehab treatment centers that are in-network and can provide them with the types of treatment programs that will help them to overcome addiction at their own pace. The mental health disorder we know as addiction affects brain function and through professional treatment, healthy brain function can be restored and you can discover a new foundation for future success and fulfillment. 

Click here for job protection & behavioral health, call Union First today at (855) 215-2023.

11 Signs You Should Ask for Help

Substance use disorder has several common signs that can indicate that addiction is present. According to the DSM-V, the diagnostic manual used to diagnose mental health disorders, having two to three criteria means that you have a mild addiction. Four to five of the following criteria mean that you have a moderate addiction, and six or more of the 11 criteria mean that you have a severe addiction.

 The criteria for drug or alcohol addiction are as follows:

  1.   Tolerance has formed requiring you to take more drugs or drink more alcohol for the same effect
  2.   You experience various common withdrawal symptoms when you try to stop
  3.   You use drugs or alcohol in dangerous situations such as drinking while driving or unprotected sex
  4.   You have problems with your relationships and these problems don’t cause you to stop
  5.   You neglect important responsibilities such as work or childcare
  6.   You use more alcohol or drugs for longer than you planned to (such as over the whole weekend) when you just wanted to drink on Friday night
  7.   A desire to cut down use but being unable to
  8.   You spend a lot of time getting more of the substance, using it, and recovering from the aftereffects
  9.   You experience drug or alcohol cravings
  10.   You give up hobbies and other recreational activities you used to enjoy
  11.   Even when you notice physical and mental problems caused by substance abuse, abuse continues

These signs can be a clear indication that you have substance use disorder and seeking professional addiction treatment can be needed to reclaim your life. 

Who to Ask for Help

Asking for help is one of the first steps in the recovery process. It can be difficult to ask for help and you may not know who you should ask for help. By becoming a Union First member, you will have access to our rehab placement services. Union First helps its members to find behavioral health treatment at some of the best addiction treatment centers in your area.  

We help by matching your recovery needs with your health insurance plan and budget so that you can get the best possible care for your situation. The near-endless information and rehabs that you can find online may be daunting to go through, but we can help you and make sure that you are getting the professional help that you need. Our employee assistance program is dedicated to helping our members and we will be your ally in your pursuit of mental wellness. You don’t have to go it alone if you are a Union First member. 

Ways to Prepare to Seek Help for Addiction Treatment

One of the best things that you can do, as mentioned, is to become a Union First member. We will help you with everything that you need to do to get the help you need. Other things that you can do to prepare is to not stop using alcohol or drugs until you start with your addiction treatment program because the withdrawal effects that you experience can be severe and you may need a medical detox program to safely recover. 

Each rehab is different. Some may allow you to bring your phone or other devices while others may not allow them until later in your program. Once you have decided on rehab with our help, you can better prepare for your recovery. In an inpatient rehab program, you will generally be given an information sheet helping you to prepare for your time in rehab. It can include whether or not you can bring your pet and all of the other things that can make your time at rehab more comfortable.  

Click here for job protection & behavioral health, call Union First today at (855) 215-2023.

Union Members Can Find Addiction Treatment Today by Calling Union First

By calling Union First today, you can become a member and take advantage of our important employee assistance program services. We provide our members with advocacy at their workplace, access to telehealth so that they always have certified therapy and counseling available, and rehab placement services. 

Union First also helps to protect your job while you undergo treatment. You won’t have to worry that you might lose your job while you are in residential rehab programs or any other addiction treatment program. We also provide robust training modules to help with important areas such as crisis management. Each member is given individual case management to ensure that they get the most out of our services for their unique situation. 

Reach out to Union First today to become a member and benefit from our behavioral health treatment employee assistance program.