Help for Union Workers Who Need Alcohol and Drug Rehab


Unionized employees receive many benefits including the ability to negotiate and guarantee the things they care most about such as job security and affordable healthcare. Your union membership dues also cover services such as employee assistance programs eaps. Some of these employee assistance programs, like Union First, can help you get addiction treatment and mental health issues treatment by connecting you with a trusted, licensed healthcare provider that meets your needs. Addiction treatment for union workers may involve several levels of care with various evidence based therapy options. Rehab centers will offer personalized treatment plans to help any type of addiction by addressing the physical, psychological, and behavioral effects of addiction in order to get you back to help as your best self possible.

Click here for job protection & behavioral health, call Union First today at (855) 215-2023.

Do Addiction Treatment Centers Accept Union Insurance?


Thanks to the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act (Federal Parity Act), health insurance companies are required to cover mental health conditions which include substance abuse disorders. Your insurance benefits will cover some or all of your drug and alcohol addiction treatment. Your insurance benefits may be greater than non unionized employees. Union First can help you find addiction treatment centers that take your insurance or help verify your insurance. Addiction treatment centers can also work with you at any out of pocket costs.


Will My Job Be Protected if I Go to Rehab?


Unionized employees have more job security than their non-unionized counterparts. However, even without your union benefits, there are federal laws in place such as the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) which protects you from being unlawfully fired because of a substance abuse disorder. These laws also give you the right to take up to 12 weeks off a year to get addiction treatment without consequences. Your salary, benefits, and even shifts will be protected under these laws.

Alcohol and Drug Rehab Treatment Options


Substance abuse will vary in severity and treatment programs will reflect that by providing flexible treatment options. Alcohol and drug rehab programs vary in intensity and can offer several options that can be tailored to your needs. Some alcohol and drug addiction treatment programs include:

Inpatient Rehab

Inpatient rehab will require you to stay at the treatment facility during your treatment program. It offers the most intensive form of treatment away from outside influences and is highly structured with addiction therapy options.

Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP)

PHP programs are similar to inpatient rehab, however, you will go home or to a sober living facility at the end of the day.

Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)

More appropriate for mild to moderate addiction, intensive outpatient programs will allow more flexibility. You will reside at home or at a sober living facility attending treatment for a few hours several hours a week. Addiction treatment can be scheduled around your home, work, or school obligations.

Outpatient Treatment

There are less intensive forms of addiction treatment, including online virtual drug rehab. These allow the most flexibility and freedom and are intended for mild addictions.

How Union First Can Help


Union First employee assistant programs can help connect you with addiction treatment centers in your area. We work with trusted and licensed drug and alcohol rehabs which we will help match based on your addiction needs. Union First will also help protect your job while you take time off. Our experts know how to use federal and state laws to protect your employment and benefits. We can help guide you and advise on how to take the necessary steps to ensure your job is protected no matter what. If you or your family member is struggling with drug or alcohol addiction, please contact us today so we can quickly get into an addiction and mental health treatment program that works.

Click here for job protection & behavioral health, call Union First today at (855) 215-2023.