Drug and Alcohol Rehab for Union Workers


The work environment has become increasingly challenging as the opioid epidemic and addiction have become widespread throughout the country and workplaces are no exception. Drug and alcohol addiction is a reality for many Americans and when you are faced with a mental health disorder, getting help can be lifesaving.

But what happens to your job when you go to rehab? Union First members are able to have peace of mind knowing that their job is protected while they receive important behavioral health treatment and addiction treatment programs.

As a union member, drug and alcohol rehab can be the life-changing treatment that you need without the fear of losing your job because you sought help. Along with job protection, union members also get several other benefits from our employee assistance program including rehab placement services where we help you to find the best drug and alcohol rehab in your area within your budget and in-network with your health insurance provider.

Click here for job protection & behavioral health, call Union First today at (855) 215-2023.

How Rehab Works for Union Members


An accredited addiction treatment center gives you access to behavioral health therapy and addiction treatment programs such as a medical detox to help through a step-by-step process to long-term recovery from substance use disorder (addiction).

As a union member with Union First, we will help you find placement in a rehab program near you that will work for you which can include having the right kind of accredited treatment programs and treatment settings, in-network rehab, and one that will ultimately help you on your recovery journey.

We take care of all of the hard work involved with finding the best rehab in a sea of options so that you can focus on your well-being and be guided through your recovery process from start to end.


Paying for Rehab with Union Insurance


If you are a part of a union through which you gain your health insurance coverage, usually negotiated by your union representatives on your behalf, then Union First can help you to sort out the details and verify your insurance coverage for rehab. We will ensure that the treatments you need are covered in part or in full by your current health insurance plan including informing you about the potential copays and deductibles that might include so that the cost of rehab doesn’t take you by surprise.

How Union First Can Help


Union First is an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) that focuses on the behavioral health needs of members. We understand the difficulties that workers face in today’s work environments and we provide a range of services that cover all of the important aspects of finding mental health care for employees.

Our range of employee assistance programs includes job protection where we ensure that your application goes through seemliness so that you can go back to your job after treatment, advocacy in your favor in the workplace concerning mental health, rehab placement services, individual case management so you are not just another number, access to telehealth (mental healthcare over the phone), and robust training modules that you can benefit from.

Become a Union First member today so that you can have access to the mental health care services that you might need now or down the line as well as other employee assistance programs that will help you overcome mental health or addiction issues. 

Click here for job protection & behavioral health, call Union First today at (855) 215-2023.